What Are The Rules to Follow After Wearing Blue Sapphire

Admit it or not, blue sapphire aka Neelam stone is undoubtedly the most fabled and valuable gemstone in the cosmos. The spellbinding blue hues and scintillating appearance of a natural Neelam stone are sufficient enough to make any gemstone lover go gaga for it. However, a blue sapphire stone just doesn’t come with one X factor. One of the biggest implications of this regaling precious stone lies in the domain of astrology. 

An original neelam stone is widely hailed for its vast array of astrological and metaphysical properties. From career to finance, intellectuality to relationships, this formidable gemstone holds the power to transform all aspects of life if worn correctly under the guidance of an experienced astrologer. Embracing an original Neelam stone is one thing and maintaining its efficacy and sanctity is totally different story. To ensure you don’t witness the ill effects of this robust gemstone, the rules to follow after wearing natural blue sapphire gemstone must be known in advance. 

This blog post is jotted down with the sole purpose of making our staunch readers and gemstone enthusiasts aware of all the rules to follow after wearing blue sapphire to avoid any mishap and elicit the full benefits of this precious and alluring stone. 

General Rules to Follow After Wearing Neelam Stone

Cleansing and Energizing the Gemstone

Before donning your blue sapphire, it is crucial to cleanse and energize the gemstone. This process helps to remove any negative energies or imprints the stone may have accumulated from previous owners or environments. Cleansing can be done through various methods, such as smudging with sage, immersing it in salt water, or exposing it to sunlight or moonlight.

Read Worthy: – How To Wear Blue Sapphire 

Wearing the Gemstone with Intention

Blue sapphire is associated with wisdom, truth, and mental clarity. When wearing this gemstone, it is advisable to set a clear intention or affirmation aligned with these qualities. By doing so, you can harness the stone’s energy and focus it towards your desired goals or aspirations.

Proper Placement and Care

The placement of the blue sapphire is crucial for maximizing its benefits. Traditionally, it is recommended to wear the gemstone on the ring finger of the right hand or as a pendant close to the heart chakra. Additionally, it is essential to handle the stone with care, avoiding exposure to harsh chemicals, extreme temperatures, or physical trauma.

Maintaining a Positive Mindset

Blue sapphire is believed to amplify the wearer’s thoughts and emotions. Therefore, it is essential to cultivate a positive mindset and engage in practices that promote inner peace and tranquility. Meditation, yoga, or other mindfulness techniques can help align your energy with the stone’s vibrations.

Respecting the Gemstone’s Energy

Blue sapphire is a powerful gemstone that should be treated with respect and reverence. It is advisable to remove the stone during activities that may expose it to negative energies, such as arguments, intense physical labor, or crowded environments with high emotional intensity.

Don’t Miss: – How To Check If Blue Sapphire Suits You

Gratitude and Appreciation

It is essential to express gratitude and appreciation for the blue sapphire’s presence in your life. Regularly acknowledging the gemstone’s energy and the blessings it brings can strengthen your connection with it and enhance its positive effects.

Some Additional Rules

While wearing a blue sapphire during bedtime can induce peaceful sleep, it’s essential to pay attention to any changes in dream patterns. If you start experiencing negative or unsettling dreams, it’s advisable to keep the gemstone away while sleeping to maintain a restful state.

Avoid removing your neelam gold ring frequently, as it can disrupt the gemstone’s effectiveness. Once you’ve performed the energizing ritual and started wearing the Shani stone, maintaining continuity is key to experiencing its beneficial effects. Frequent removal may lead to disturbances in various aspects of life, such as relationships, career, health, and wealth.

Also Read: – How To Tell If A Sapphire Is Real?

If you accidentally remove your blue sapphire, perform the prana pratistha ritual before wearing it again. This Vedic pooja involves placing the gemstone in a mixture of raw milk, honey, gangajal, and tulsi leaves while reciting mantras. This process reactivates the gem’s energy and ensures its continued positive influence.

Monitor your blue sapphire for any signs of turning white, as this indicates a decrease in its effectiveness. If the stone changes color significantly, consider purchasing a new neelam stone. Replacing it after such changes ensures you continue to receive maximum benefits from the gemstone.

Blue sapphire, known as neel mani, is not compatible with certain gemstones like pearl, Red Moonga stone, or original ruby gemstones according to traditional beliefs. Wearing these gemstones together can potentially bring negative effects to your life. It’s advisable to consult your astrologer and check your horoscope before combining neelam with other gemstones to avoid any adverse impacts.

Check Out: – Types of Sapphires

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Written By pmkkgems

Muskan Sain is a well-versed gemstone expert with over 8 years of experience in the field. She has received extensive training from a renowned gemological institute, which has equipped her with comprehensive knowledge and expertise in the identification, grading, and valuation of gemstones.


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