Can We Drink Alcohol While Wearing Rudraksha?

The Rudraksha is a powerful seed revered in Hinduism for its spiritual properties and ability to provide protection, and reduce stress and negativity. Wearing or carrying Rudraksha mala (strings of Rudraksha beads) is considered highly auspicious and beneficial. However, many devotees wonder whether wearing Rudraksha nullifies these positive effects if one consumes alcohol.

Alcohol is generally regarded as spiritually degrading and something that should be avoided by those on a yogic or spiritual path. It can cloud the mind, increase negativity and tamas (spiritual inertia), and lead one away from the divine. Given Rudraksha’s sacred nature and link to the Hindu deity Shiva, it seems contradictory to wear these holy beads while indulging in alcohol.

Yet the interaction between alcohol and Rudraksha is a nuanced topic. Some believe that as long as one’s intentions are pure and alcohol is consumed in strict moderation, wearing one Mukhi Rudraksha is still acceptable. Others take a stricter view that alcohol negates Rudraksha’s vibrations entirely. In this article, we will explore the different perspectives on this issue from Hindu scriptures, spiritual leaders, and scientific research.

What Scriptures Say About Wear Rudraksha While Consuming Alcohol.

खादन्मांसं पिबन्मद्यं सङ्‌गच्छन्नन्त्यजानपि ।

पातकेभ्यो विमुच्येत रुद्राक्षं शिरसि स्थिते ॥ 

The above shloka is taken from the Srimad Devi Bhagavatam Gita, specifically from Chapter 3,  Here is the meaning of the shloka:

“Renouncing sacrifices (yajna), giving up prohibited activities (daanam), and refraining from harming living beings (tapas), even if one indulges in eating meat, drinking alcohol, and visiting unsuitable places, such a person is free from sin (pātakas) and can still wear Rudraksha beads on their head.”

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This verse emphasizes the importance of inner purity and righteousness over external rituals or symbols. It suggests that while adhering to virtuous actions and avoiding harm is crucial, external practices like wearing 3 Mukhi Rudraksha beads should not be seen as contradictory if one’s inner conduct is aligned with ethical principles.

सुप्ते पीते सदाकालं रुद्राक्षं धारयेन्नरः meaning of this shloka

This shloka is from the Skanda Purana and is often cited to highlight the significance of wearing Rudraksha beads. Here is the meaning of the shloka:

“A person who wears Rudraksha beads while sleeping, while drinking, or all the time (sadaa), such a person is always protected by Lord Shiva.”

This shloka suggests that wearing the original 6 Mukhi Rudraksha beads continuously, including during sleep and other activities, is believed to bring the wearer under the protection and blessings of Lord Shiva, who is revered in Hinduism as a deity associated with destruction and transformation, as well as spiritual liberation.

Can I Drink Alcohol While Wearing Rudraksha?

Drinking alcohol doesn’t diminish the inherent energy of 4 Mukhi Rudraksha beads, nor does it attract negative karma. The effectiveness of Rudraksha beads remains consistent regardless of one’s lifestyle or dietary choices. However, alcohol consumption can impede our ability to tap into the energies of Rudraksha beads. To elaborate, everything in the universe, including humans, embodies three qualities known as gunas: Sattva, Rajas, and Tamas.

Alcohol is associated with the Tamasic Guna, characterized by stagnation, lethargy, and resistance. Those who regularly consume alcohol often experience stress, anxiety, confusion, mood swings, and other challenges.

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The Tamasic nature of alcohol adversely affects an individual’s overall well-being—mental, physical, and emotional. It induces dizziness, impairs clear thinking, and leads to a loss of control over mind and body. In this state of intoxication, one’s sensory perception, feelings, and beliefs are diminished, resulting in surface-level benefits. Our dietary habits profoundly influence our personalities, including our thoughts, physical health, and emotional equilibrium. Excessive alcohol consumption diminishes our awareness, hindering the complete benefits of spiritual activities such as Yoga, Meditation, Pranayama, and wearing Rudraksha beads.

Conversely, 9 Mukhi Rudraksha beads, natural seeds available in various Mukhis, possess divine powers that operate in specific domains. Certain combinations of Rudraksha beads can pacify the mind, reduce stress, and alleviate mental tensions. Therefore, it is advisable to combat stress and anxiety by embracing the Divine Rudraksha beads rather than resorting to alcohol.

The energy frequency at which Rudraksha beads function aligns with our body’s frequency, impacting us physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. The efficacy of Rudraksha beads isn’t affected by lifestyle choices, activities, or dietary habits; rather, it’s our capacity to receive their complete benefits that may falter. Hence, adopting a Sattvic diet facilitates the complete absorption of Rudraksha bead benefits, leading to a balanced life. Embracing a Sattvic lifestyle and consuming Sattvik foods is recommended for those seeking holistic well-being.

Check Out: – How Long Does it Take for Rudrakshas to Take Effect?

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Written By pmkkgems

Muskan Sain is a well-versed gemstone expert with over 8 years of experience in the field. She has received extensive training from a renowned gemological institute, which has equipped her with comprehensive knowledge and expertise in the identification, grading, and valuation of gemstones.


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