Opal vs Moonstone: Which One to Pick?

In the enticing and enigmatic world of gemstones, if there are two gemstones that resemble to a great extent and are daunting to distinguish, they are opal and moonstone. Renowned for exhibiting rainbow colors and delivering astounding astrological benefits, opals and moonstones are of profound significance in astrology as well as in different industry verticals like affordable jewelry.

Often people get confused between opals and moonstones as they resemble each other greatly as well as quite similar in physical properties and astrological benefits. The only crystal clear way to distinguish between opal stone and moonstone is a classic comparison between these two popular gemstones by considering numerous pivotal parameters. 

This blog post is solely dedicated to the most comprehensive comparison between opal vs moonstone on the basis of parameters like origin, physical properties, astrological benefits, price, and popularity. After going through opal stone vs moonstone, anyone would be able to distinguish between these gemstones effortlessly. 

Opal vs Moonstone: Origin

Opal is a hydrated and amorphous form of silica which is primarily composed of spherical silica particles in a dense packing arrangement. It forms in sedimentary rock through the deposition and solidification of silica gel in ancient cracks or cavities. Opal requires water to remain hydrated and will crack if it dries out. Most opal deposits are found in Australia. Apart from Australia, Ethiopian opals are also revered for their astounding quality and color.

On the other hand, Moonstone is a feldspar mineral with the chemical formula KAlSi3O8. Unlike opal, it has a crystalline structure. Moonstone forms through igneous processes when molten rock cools and solidifies. It is commonly found in granites and other felsic igneous rocks. Major sources of moonstone include Sri Lanka, India, and Madagascar.

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Opal vs Moonstone: Color

Opals are known for exhibiting whimsical and unique play-of-color which can include a vast range of colors. This play-of-color consists of vibrant flashes and patterns of different colors that change as the gemstone is moved under light. Common colors seen in opals include red, green, blue, orange, yellow, and purple.  There are several varieties of opals, such as white opal, black opal, fire opal, and boulder opal, each with its own characteristic colors and patterns.

Moonstones are typically known for their milky and shimmering appearance which is characterized by a phenomenon called adularescence. This optical effect gives white moonstones a bluish-white or milky appearance, and it can create a glowing, moonlight-like effect when the stone is viewed from different angles. : Rainbow moonstone is a popular variety of moonstone that exhibits a blue adularescence with flashes of rainbow-like colors.

Opal vs Moonstone: Hardness

Opal has a hardness of 5.5 to 6.5 on the Mohs hardness scale. This means it is relatively soft compared to numerous valuable precious stones like Manik stone or pukhraj stone.

On the other hand, Moonstone has a hardness of 6 to 6.5 on the Mohs scale. This makes it slightly harder than opal on average.

The reason for a significant difference in hardness is because of their different chemical compositions and molecular structures. Opal is amorphous hydrated silica while moonstone is a crystalline feldspar mineral.

The softer hardness of opal makes it more prone to scratches and fragile if knocked against hard surfaces. Moonstone is a bit more resilient.

For jewelry, the softer opal requires more gentle care compared to moonstone to avoid abrasion and damage. Moonstone’s slightly harder quality makes it more durable for frequent wear.

Opal vs Moonstone: Physical & Chemical Properties

Composition – Opal is primarily composed of hydrated silica while moonstone is the crystallization of potassium aluminum silicate.

Structure – Opal is amorphous with no crystalline structure. Moonstone has a crystalline structure.

Hardness – Opal is relatively softer than moonstone as it has a rating of  5.5-6.5 on the Mohs hardness scale. Moonstone is slightly harder at 6-6.5 on the Mohs scale.

Refractive index – Opal has a refractive index of 1.44-1.47. Moonstone’s is 1.518-1.526.

Specific gravity – The specific gravity of opal ranges from 1.9-2.3. Moonstone’s is 2.5-2.6.

Color – Opal can display many colors including black, orange, pink, and othe rainbow colors, while moonstone typically exhibits blue, white, and gray colors only.

Phenomena – The play-of-color (opalescence) is unique to opal. Moonstone shows adularescence, a soft internal glow.

Water content – Opal contains 3-21% water while moonstone does not contain water.

Toughness – Opal is more prone to cracking or chipping due to its amorphous structure. Moonstone is moderately tough.

Worth Checking: – How To Wear Opal Stone

Opal vs Moonstone: Treatments

Opal Treatments

Opals are subjected to different types of treatment to develop luster and coveted colors on the stone.

Some opals may be subjected to irradiation and/or heat treatment to enhance their play-of-color. These treatments can intensify the existing colors or bring out new ones.

Smoking is another traditional and effective treatment used on black or dark opals. It involves exposing the opal to smoke to darken the background, making the play-of-color more visually striking.

When it comes to Ethiopian opals, oil or wax are used to enhance their appearance. This treatment can make the colors appear more vibrant.

Moonstone Treatments:

Unlike opals, moonstones are typically less treated. Many moonstones are sold without any treatment, as their adularescence is their primary appeal. However, some moonstones may be subjected to basic treatments like cleaning or minor surface enhancements.

Moonstones are often tumbled or polished to improve their appearance and reveal their adularescence more effectively. This process doesn’t involve chemical treatments but focuses on shaping and finishing the gem.

Opal vs Moonstone: Astrological Benefits

Opal and moonstones both are gemstones with paramount astrological significance and is primarily worn to augment different aspects of life.

Opal is deeply and strongly associated with purity, innocence, hope, and creativity. It is widely believed to enhance imagination, inspiration, and originality. In astrology, opal is linked to the planet Neptune and the zodiac sign Cancer. It can also benefit greatly to those seeking to tap into mystical states.

On the other hand, Moonstone is linked with with intuition, insight, and fortune. It is thought to stimulate the inner goddess, sensuality, and emotional balance. In astrology, the moonstone is linked to the Moon and the zodiac sign Cancer. It may benefit those seeking to enhance intuition, mental stability, and feminine energies.

Opal is sometimes known as a “child of the moon” for its internal play of color. However, the moonstone has a stronger lunar and “third eye” connection. Both are considered mystical stones. For astrological purposes, both opal and moonstone are ideal for those born under Cancer sign and for balancing emotions. Moonstone offers stronger intuition benefits while opal boosts inventiveness.

Also Check: – Negative Effects of Opal

Opal vs Moonstone: Price

When it comes to price, opal gemstones are league apart and miles ahead from moonstones. The top-notch opal is generally much more expensive and valuable than moonstone.

Fine black or white opals can range from $100 to $10,000 per carat based on the body tone, fire, pattern, clarity and origin. The most valuable black opal can reach as high as $50,000 per carat in value.

In contrast, moonstone typically ranges between $5 to $500 per carat. While the highest quality moonstone can reach $1000 per carat, it rarely exceeds this mark.

Opal vs Moonstone: Popularity

Opal has long been a highly prized and coveted gemstone, especially among influential personalities. The stunning play of color makes opal a favorite for jewelry.

Moonstone became popular during the Art Nouveau period in the early 20th century. Its soft glow and mystical associations attracted interest.

In recent decades, opal has seen wider mainstream popularity, with black opalbeing particularly valued. Australian opals have increased exposure and desirability.

However, moonstone has also seen a resurgence for New Age and metaphysical purposes. It is viewed as a feminine, goddess-energy stone.

For jewelry, opal is the more coveted and recognized gemstone, often featured in rings, earrings, pendants and bracelets. Moonstone also works well in jewelry but is seen as more affordable.

Opal is associated with luxury, rarity, and extravagance. Moonstone is more connected to spirituality, intuitiveness and inner power.

While both stones continue to hold meaning, opal likely edges out moonstone in overall modern popularity and prestige. However, moonstone has a devoted following among New Age crowds.

So in summary, opal’s stunning play of color makes it the “winner” for jewelry and luxury status, but moonstone retains its own niche appeal for spiritualists and goddess energy fans. Both remain important gemstones.

Read More: – Opal Stone Benefits

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Written By pmkkgems

Muskan Sain is a well-versed gemstone expert with over 8 years of experience in the field. She has received extensive training from a renowned gemological institute, which has equipped her with comprehensive knowledge and expertise in the identification, grading, and valuation of gemstones.


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