Emerald vs Diamond: A Handy Comparison Guide

Emeralds & diamonds are two of the most robust and astrologically significant gemstones with enormous market value. While emeralds belong to the Beryl mineral family, diamonds are the result of the immense pressure and heat of the billions of combined carbon atoms beneath the earth’s surface.

Emeralds and diamonds both are of paramount significance astrologically as well as generally. Emeralds are primarily worn to reduce the Malefic effects of the Planet Mercury and attract good luck and fortune in life. Whereas, diamonds are the forever glittering symbol of love used extensively in customized pieces of jewelry. A diamond stone represents the planet Venus and is principally worn to attract opulence and immeasurable wealth in life. When two Goliath figures of such statures exist, comparisons are bound to happen and the emerald vs diamond comparison is no exception. 

In this handy and all-inclusive blog post, we bring our valued readers the most detailed emerald vs diamond comparison that is based on numerous common pivotal pointers. Go through the blog completely and pick your favorite gemstone!

Emerald vs Diamond: Origin


Emeralds are lush to pale green gemstones that belong to the beryl family. Their formation happens deep within the Earth’s crust, typically in hydrothermal veins where hot water carries dissolved minerals. The green in an emerald gemstone comes from the presence of chromium and sometimes minuscule vanadium. The formation of emeralds involves a combination of heat, pressure, and specific geological conditions.

Emeralds are found in a multitude of parts of the world. However, some of the most famous sources of par excellent quality emeralds include Colombia, Zambia, Brazil, and Afghanistan. Colombian emeralds are renowned for their exceptional quality and vivid green color.


As we all know, Diamonds are principally carved of carbon and are formed deep within the Earth’s mantle under extremely high temperatures and pressure. Unlike emeralds, which are part of the beryl mineral family, diamonds are made entirely of carbon atoms arranged in a crystal lattice structure. Diamonds are formed when carbon atoms crystallize under conditions of immense heat and pressure, usually at depths of 100 miles or more below the Earth’s surface. Over millions of years, these carbon crystals are brought closer to the surface through volcanic eruptions, creating diamond deposits known as kimberlite pipes or alluvial deposits.

Diamonds are found in various locations around the world, but some of the most well-known diamond-producing countries include Russia, Botswana, Canada, South Africa, and Australia.

Worth Reading: – Types of Emeralds

Emerald vs Diamond: Color

Emeralds and diamonds differ in color to a great extent. Let’s discuss this pointer deeply.

An original panna stone is a lush deep green color to pale green color in appearance. The green color in emeralds comes from the traces of chromium and/or vanadium. Top-notch quality emeralds have a vivid green hue and no color zoning.

Diamond is generally colorless or white in color. Although some rare diamond pieces can also occur in shades of yellow, brown, pink, blue, or grey. The color in diamonds is caused by impurities or structural defects in the crystal structure. The most prized diamonds are completely colorless.

In a nutshell,  emerald’s defining color is a bright green, and Diamond is highly revered and sought-after for its colorlessness or whitish tones, The striking green color is what makes emeralds stand out, while diamonds are valued for their lack of color. The color difference is due to their unique chemical composition and structure.

Emerald vs Diamond: Cut


The most common and preferred cut for emeralds is the “emerald cut,” which is rectangular with cut corners. This cut is given to emeralds to showcase the gem’s color and clarity perfectly rather than maximizing its brilliance.

Emeralds are usually step-cut or trap-cut, which means they have long, parallel facets on the pavilion (bottom) and the crown (top). This cut emphasizes the gem’s transparency and depth of color.


Diamonds come in various shapes, including round, princess, emerald, marquise, and more. The most popular and classic cut for diamonds is the round brilliant cut, which is known for its exceptional sparkle and brilliance.

Diamonds are cut with a precise arrangement of facets that are designed to maximize the reflection and refraction of light within the stone. The round brilliant cut, for example, has 57 or 58 facets that are carefully proportioned to create a fiery and brilliant appearance.

Emerald vs Diamond: Hardness

Emeralds and diamonds differ massively in their hardness and durability:

It’s a no-brainer that Diamond is the hardest natural material on earth. It has a hardness rating of perfect 10 on the Mohs hardness scale. This makes diamond competent enough to scratch any material without getting any damage.

On the other hand, Emerald has a hardness of 7.5 to 8 on the Mohs scale. This means it is much softer and less durable than diamond. Diamonds are incredibly resistant to scratches and everyday wear, while emeralds are more prone to damage if not cared for properly.

Don’t Forget To Check: – Who Should Wear Emerald

Emerald vs Diamond: Physical Properties


Chemical Composition: Panjshir Emeralds are composed of beryllium aluminum silicate with the chemical formula Be3Al2(SiO3)6. They belong to the beryl mineral family.

Color: Emeralds are typically green in color, ranging from pale green to deep green. The green color comes from trace amounts of chromium and sometimes vanadium in the crystal structure.

Hardness: Emeralds are relatively hard but not as hard as diamonds. They have a hardness of 7.5 to 8 on the Mohs scale, which means they are more susceptible to scratches and damage compared to diamonds.

Crystal Structure: Emeralds have a hexagonal crystal structure, which affects the way they are cut and their overall appearance.


Chemical Composition: Diamonds are composed of pure carbon arranged in a crystal lattice structure. They have the chemical formula C.

Color: Diamonds can be found in various colors, including colorless, yellow, brown, and even rare colors like blue, green, and pink. Colorless diamonds are the most prized and are often referred to as “white” diamonds.

Hardness: Diamonds are the hardest naturally occurring substance on Earth. They have a perfect 10 on the Mohs scale of hardness, making them extremely resistant to scratches and abrasion.

Crystal Structure: Diamonds have a cubic crystal structure, which contributes to their exceptional brilliance and fire. The arrangement of carbon atoms in the lattice allows for the efficient dispersion of light.

Emerald vs Diamond: Astrological Benefits

Emeralds are strongly associated with the planet Mercury and is worn with the intention to enhance communication, intellect, and perception. They are said to be especially beneficial for Gemini and Virgo Zodiac signs.

On the other hand, Diamonds are associated with planet Venus and can enhance relationships, beauty, and creativity. They are considered immensely fortunate for Libra and Taurus.

Emeralds are said to promote wisdom, eloquence, and focus. Some astrologers believe wearing emeralds can improve memory and mental clarity. Diamonds are thought to amplify positive energies, drive away negativity, and bring abundance and success. They are linked to amplifying the effects of other gemstones.

Emeralds are widely regarded as a stone of prosperity and harmony. They are believed to promote balance and instill patience. Diamonds have an energy of strength and fortitude. They are believed to enhance willpower, ethics, stamina, and excellence. Diamonds are associated with amplifying thoughts and manifestations.

Astrologically, emeralds are considered better for enhancing communication, perception, and wisdom. Diamonds are preferred for improving relationships, prosperity, and drive. But both are considered fortunate stones with unique energetic qualities. The supremacy of both gemstones depends on an individual’s astrological needs.

Also Read: – Panna Stone Benefits for Astrology

Emerald vs Diamond: Price

There is no denying that Diamonds are generally more expensive than emeralds of similar quality. High-quality diamonds over 1 carat can easily cost over $5,000 per carat and go up into the millions for high-carat weight and flawless stones.

Emeralds rarely exceed $10,000 per carat, even for premium specimens. Rare emeralds with exceptional carat weight do occasionally reach $50,000-100,000 panna stone price per carat.

Average retail prices for diamonds are around $4,000 per carat for 1 carat, $1,500 per carat for 0.5 carats, and $1,000 per carat for 0.25 carats.

Emeralds are mostly treated with oils or resins to improve appearance and make them market-ready. Whereas, Diamonds are either untreated or enhanced only by polish/symmetry.

Emeralds commonly have inclusions visible to the eye. Diamonds usually have better clarity, especially in fine grades.

The rarity of larger stones, better hardness, and higher demand make diamond prices surpass emeralds at most retail sizes despite color differences.

Emerald vs Diamond: Popularity

Both emeralds and diamonds have their staunch fan base, unique charm, and popularity. Emeralds are cherished widely for their vibrant green color, historical significance, and cultural ties, while diamonds are renowned for their brilliance, versatility, and widespread appeal as a token for love, especially in the context of engagement rings. Popularity can also be influenced by trends in fashion and jewelry design, which can change over time. Ultimately, the choice between emeralds and diamonds often comes down to personal preference and the specific occasion or style of jewelry.

Must Check: – How To Wear Panna Stone

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Written By pmkkgems

Muskan Sain is a well-versed gemstone expert with over 8 years of experience in the field. She has received extensive training from a renowned gemological institute, which has equipped her with comprehensive knowledge and expertise in the identification, grading, and valuation of gemstones.


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