Green Tourmaline vs Emerald: Which One to Select? 

Gemstones are the most exhilarating wonders of the universe. They come in a multitude of shapes, sizes, and colors, and with paramount astrological significance. When we talk about particular colors in gemstones, green color gemstones have a separate fan base as green color exemplifies vitality, life, and resurrection. 

Within the realm of green gemstones, countless comparisons are made by gemstone lovers between two sought-after gemstones like emerald stone and green tourmaline. Both gemstones are widely acknowledged for their immense value and astrological significance in the local and global markets. However, emeralds and green tourmalines differ from each other profoundly despite sharing the same color hues. Be their physical properties, origins, hardness, value, and astrological significance, natural emerald stones and original green tourmaline gemstones are perfect for comparing each other.

In this blog post, we bring you the most comprehensive comparison between Green tourmaline vs emerald that will help you lucidly distinguish between these two striking gemstones with immense significance. Let’s get started!

Green Tourmaline vs Emerald: Comparison

Green Tourmaline vs Emerald: Origin

Green Tourmaline

Green tourmaline is primarily found in granite pegmatites and alluvial deposits around the world. Some of the most Significant deposits of green tourmaline gemstones are located in Brazil, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Mozambique, Madagascar, Nigeria, and the United States. The most valued green tourmaline is “chrome tourmaline” which gets its vivid green color from the traces of chromium within the crystalline structure.

Emerald Stone

Emeralds are beryllium aluminum silicates that form in igneous and metamorphic rocks. The most significant deposits of green emerald stone are found in Colombia, Zambia, Brazil, Zimbabwe, Madagascar, Pakistan, and Afghanistan. Colombian emeralds are the most prized for their vivid green hue and utmost transparency.

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Green Tourmaline vs Emerald: Color

Both Green Tourmaline and Emerald are gemstones known for their beautiful green colors, but there are some differences in their color characteristics.

Green Tourmaline: Green Tourmaline, also known as Verdelite, can come in a variety of green shades. The color range includes shades of light green, dark green, bluish-green, and yellowish-green. The color intensity can vary, and some Green Tourmalines may have a more vibrant and saturated green color, while others may be paler. The color of Green Tourmaline is often influenced by the presence of trace elements such as iron, manganese, and chromium.

Emerald: On the other hand, emerald is a variety of minerals beryl, and is known for its deep green color. The finest emeralds are often described as having a vivid, intense green color with a slight bluish undertone. The green color of emeralds is primarily attributed to the presence of chromium and vanadium. The intensity varies with the increase or decrease in quantity of these elements. Green Tourmaline, which can have a range of green hues, emeralds are specifically valued for their rich, saturated green color.

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Green Tourmaline vs Emerald: Physical Properties

Color: Both gemstones can display a range of green hues, from pale mint green to deep forest green. However, emerald green is considered the pure, highly saturated green that is the most desirable color for emeralds. Tourmaline can display a wider range of greens.

Hardness: Emerald has a hardness of 7.5-8 on the Mohs scale, while tourmaline has a hardness of 7-7.5. This means emerald is slightly harder than tourmaline.

Clarity: Emeralds often have inclusions and fractures, while tourmaline tends to have fewer flaws and be more transparent. However, top quality emeralds can also be very clear.

Luster: Both stones exhibit a vitreous luster when polished. However, emerald typically has a more brilliant luster.

Crystalline structure: Emerald is a beryl, which means it has a hexagonal crystalline structure. Tourmaline has a trigonal crystal structure.

Refractive index: Emerald has a higher refractive index (1.57-1.59) than tourmaline (1.603-1.655). This allows it to display more dispersion and “fire.”

Density: With a density of 2.67-2.78, emerald is denser than tourmaline (3.06 for dravite variety).

Green Tourmaline vs Emerald: Astrological Significance

Green tourmaline is associated with the heart chakra and the element of earth. It is thought to promote compassion, balance emotions, and provide grounding.

Emerald is associated with the heart chakra and the planet Mercury. In astrology, Mercury governs communication, intellect, and perception.

Emerald is the birthstone for the zodiac sign of Taurus. It is thought to balance the Taurean qualities of patience, reliability and devotion.

Green tourmaline is not specifically associated with any one astrological sign. However, some feel it has qualities that are compatible with Taurus, Virgo, Libra and Sagittarius.

Emerald is considered a stone of love, rebirth and fertility. It is believed to aid in new beginnings and growth.

Tourmaline can help ground all the elements needed for spiritual growth – love, wisdom, intuition and luck. It encourages compassion and diminishes fear.

Emerald promotes insight, eloquence and honesty when communicating. It brings clarity to perception and thought.

Overall, emerald has stronger astrological ties, being linked specifically to Mercury and Taurus. Tourmaline has more general metaphysical properties that are not sign-specific. Both stones share associations with the heart chakra.

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Green Tourmaline vs Emerald: Price & Popularity

Price: Emeralds are typically more expensive than Green Tourmaline, especially for high-quality stones with a deep, intense green color, good transparency, and minimal inclusions. The most valuable emeralds often come from Colombia, and their prices can be exceptionally high. The presence of inclusions, known as “jardin” (French for garden), is common in emeralds and can affect both the appearance and value of the stone. Fine-quality emeralds with a vibrant green color and few inclusions are highly sought after and can command premium prices.

Green Tourmalines are generally more affordable compared to emeralds. The price of Green Tourmaline can vary depending on factors such as color, clarity, and size. While certain varieties of Green Tourmaline, such as Chrome Tourmaline, can exhibit a rich green color and command higher prices, in general, Green Tourmaline is more accessible for a wider range of budgets.

Popularity: Emeralds have been highly prized gemstones for centuries and are often associated with luxury and royalty. They have a long history of use in high-end jewelry, and their popularity continues to endure. The allure of emeralds lies in their rich color and historical significance.

Green Tourmaline, while not as historically renowned as emeralds, has gained popularity in contemporary jewelry. Its versatility, availability in a variety of shades, and generally more affordable price point make it appealing to a broader audience.

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Written By pmkkgems

Muskan Sain is a well-versed gemstone expert with over 8 years of experience in the field. She has received extensive training from a renowned gemological institute, which has equipped her with comprehensive knowledge and expertise in the identification, grading, and valuation of gemstones.


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