Zodiacal Gemstones: List of Gemstones Based on Zodiac Signs

Gemstones are not some random colorful stones that are mainly used for donning and investment purposes. Most gemstones hold astrological significance and are vehemently associated with a particular Zodiac sign. The relation between gemstones and the astrology domain is quite archaic. Since time immemorial, people from different civilizations have been embracing gemstones to satiate varied purposes, be they personal, professional, spiritual, or metaphysical.

Zodiacal gemstone is not just a concept, it’s a well-established connection between gemstones and Zodiac signs that many prominent astrologers have proven time and time again. Every zodiac sign is strongly connected with a particular gemstone and should be worn by following all rituals to derive maximum benefits. However, many gemstone enthusiasts are still not aware of which Zodiac sign is related to which gemstone.

The key purpose of carving this blog post is to make our valued readers familiar with gemstones that are related to Zodiac signs. A zodiac sign could have more than one gemstone associated with it. Let’s have a peek at gemstones based on Zodiac signs one at a time.

List of Zodiacal Gemstones

Aries (Mar 21 – April 20) – Red Coral

Those who are born under the shadow of the Aries zodiac sign are ruled by the vibrant planet Mars. The traditional gemstone associated with the planet Mars and the Zodiac sign Aries is original red coral. This vibrant gemstone is strongly believed to provide umpteen healing benefits and restore vitality to Aries’ plummeting energetic spirit. As a natural energizer, red coral may revitalize the physical body, especially the muscular system that Aries natives tend to overexert. By wearing red coral, Aries descendants can tap deeply into the revitalizing and restorative qualities of their ruling planet’s gem.

Check Out : – Gemstones for Aquarius

Taurus (April 21 – May 21) – Blue Sapphire

The steady earth sign of Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus which is also known as the planet of beauty, luxury, and pleasure. The luminous and sturdy blue sapphire is the precious gemstone that channels the pious energies of Venus for those born under the sign of the Venus Zodiac sign. Blue sapphire is widely believed to bring out the loyal, reliable, and persevering qualities of Taurus even more. 

As a stone of mental focus and order, blue sapphire also complements Taurus’ tendency towards methodical thinking and hard work. For Taurus, wearing blue sapphire is thought to sharpen the mind, instill confidence, and attract more abundance through enhanced creativity and self-expression. The azure blue depths of the sapphire reflect the ceaseless perseverance and enduring loyalty of Taurus.

Gemini ( May 22 – June 21) – Agate

Gemini Zodiac sign exemplifies air that is associated with communication, intellect, and adaptability. Agate is a stone that is connected with the Gemini Zodiac and is believed to enhance communication, mental clarity, and flexibility of an individual. So there is an alignment between the energies of Gemini and agate. Moreover, an Agate gemstone is considered a particularly good talisman for Gemini because it can help them express their thoughts and ideas more clearly. The various colors and patterns found in agate also complement Gemini’s dual nature.

Also Read: – Gemstones for Gemini

Agate is also supposed to provide aid in balancing the positive and negative traits of Gemini. It brings grounding energy to temper Gemini’s restless and scattered qualities. It also enhances Gemini’s capacity for learning and intellectual curiosity. The agate properties of strength, courage, and emotional stability provide support for Gemini’s ever-changing moods. Agate promotes inner calm, helping Gemini become more focused and less anxious.

Cancer (June 22 – July 22) – Emerald 

Wearing a Cancerian Zodiac birthstone that is a panna stone helps provide Cancers with the sense of safety and stability they innately seek. As one of the most nurturing signs of the zodiac chart, Cancers are known for being deeply caring, intuitive, and sentimental. However, their loving nature can also make them over-sensitive, insecure, and emotionally withdrawn at times. 

The supportive energies of their astrological birthstone can balance Cancers by enhancing their compassion and imagination while reducing anxieties, moodiness, and inability to move on. With the comforting presence of their Zodiac gemstone, Cancers can feel more protected and secure, allowing their natural warmth, creativity, and empathy to shine brighter.

Never Miss: – Gemstones for Scorpio

Leo (July 23- Aug 22) – Onyx & Ruby

Those who are born under the zodiac sign Leo are ruled by the planet Sun and Ruby stone is the gemstone associated with the Sun. Leos tend to have outrageous ambitious, dominating personalities that can strain their mental and physical energy as well as ruin precious relationships. To counterbalance this, Leos can benefit greatly from wearing a ruby gemstone set in a gold or copper ring. The ruby’s transforming energies can help restore their depleted vitality and bring their demanding tendencies into balance.

Virgo (Aug 23 – Sep 23) – Carnelian & Aventurine

Virgos are renowned for being utterly analytical, practical, and modest. Virgos have a tendency to be overly critical, worry a lot, and be shy. The earthy carnelian stone can help profoundly in grounding and stabilizing anxious Virgos. Carnelian promotes confidence, assertiveness, and motivation. Wearing carnelian can give timid Virgos a boost in courage to speak up for themselves.

The aventurine stone is also an excellent gem for Virgos. It has a soothing, calming energy that helps ease Virgo’s nervous tension. Aventurine encourages tranquility, positive thinking, and emotional balance. For Virgos who overthink and fret, aventurine brings mental clarity. Together, carnelian and aventurine complement each other to reduce Virgo’s inhibitions while also tempering their critical nature. Wearing these earth-toned gems can bring out the best qualities in those born under the Virgo zodiac sign.

Peek Here: – Gemstones for Cancer

Libra  (Sep 24 – Oct 23) – Peridot & Diamond

Libras are known for being affable, diplomatic, and seeking harmony in relationships. However, they can sometimes be quite indecisive, easily swayed, or too flirtatious. Wearing the right crystals can help strengthen Libra’s positive traits. Peridot stone brings confidence and decisiveness. It provides motivation and drive, reducing Libra’s tendency to be lazy or uncommitted. 

Diamond cools fiery emotions and encourages clarity in thinking. It reduces impulsiveness and selfishness. Together, carnelian and aquamarine crystals enhance Libra’s natural charm and likeability. They help Libras become more discerning and balanced in relationships. With these stones, Libras can stand strong in their values, while getting along with even the most difficult people.

Scorpio (Oct 24 – Nov 22) – Aquamarine

Like a Scorpio’s basic nature is to strike, those who are born under the sign of Scorpio have an intense and magnetic presence. Their piercing and spell-binding eyes seem to see straight through to your soul. Scorpios are fueled by their deep well of emotions, passionately pursuing their desires. Yet turbulence brews beneath their calm surface. Their jealousy may sting without warning. Secrets abound behind their enigmatic smile.

To harness their potent forces, the Scorpio draws on aquamarine stone and obsidian. Hematite grounds and focuses Scorpio’s immense energy, transforming compulsive passions into purposeful expression. On the other hand, aquamarine stone’s formed in fire provides a mirror to analyze motives and curtail negativity. Together, these talismanic stones help the Scorpio maintain relationships by mitigating disagreements and confusion. Wielding these mineral allies, the Scorpio integrates their complexities into mystical power. The scorpion’s menacing tail transforms into a teacher’s wand.

Sagittarius ( Nov 23 – Dec 21) – Yellow Sapphire & Topaz

The adventurous Sagittarius souls yearn to roam untethered and follow their insatiable curiosity. Their infectious humor and optimism conceal a restlessness that can lead to carelessness. However, when focused, their honesty and intellect make them natural philosophers and teachers.

To help the Sagittarians curb their recklessness and cultivate their gifts, they can look to the stabilizing power of Yellow Sapphire and citrine stones. The steady vibration of the pukhraj stone dispels distraction, promoting pragmatic optimism. It brings their wandering mind into the present moment. The cleansing energy of citrine soothes heated emotions and helps them speak their truth with compassion. Worn together, these healing stones nurture Sagittarius’ higher qualities of joy and wisdom. Harnessed mindfully, their vitality is a light that brightens the world.

Don’t Forget to Check: – Gemstones for Capricorn

Capricorn ( Dec 22 – Jan 20) – Ruby, Hematite, & Obsidian

Capricorns are known for their practicality, ambition, discipline, and patience. They have a subtle sense of humor and tend to be quite reserved in nature. However, they can sometimes come across as pessimistic, defeatist, or resentful. Though these earth signs have a strong work ethic and desire for success, they would benefit from focusing more on the positive and expressing gratitude. With an open heart, Capricorns can achieve their goals through determination and perseverance and by embracing natural manik stones without losing their warmth or optimism.

Aquarius ( Jan 21 – feb 19) –  Garnet

Aquarians are acknowledged by all for their friendly, honest, loyal, original, independent, and intellectual nature. Aquariums have a creative and innovative spirit that allows them to think outside the box. However, their eccentric side can sometimes make them seem contrary, unpredictable, detached, or emotionally distant. Though they value their individuality and freedom, Aquarians would benefit from being more considerate of others’ feelings and cultivating deeper connections if they embrace garnet stone. If they can balance their humanitarian ideals with empathy and vulnerability, Aquarians can make a big difference in the world while maintaining meaningful relationships. With an open heart and mind, their ingenuity and vision can positively impact society.

Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 20) – Amethyst & Fluorite

Amethyst crystals are thought by some to have calming and grounding properties. However, there is no scientific evidence that crystals have healing powers. As for astrological signs, Pisces is associated with compassion, creativity, intuition, and empathy. But astrology is not scientifically proven. It’s best to take horoscopes lightly and focus on developing our own positive qualities.

Read More: – Gemstone for Libra 

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Written By pmkkgems

Muskan Sain is a well-versed gemstone expert with over 8 years of experience in the field. She has received extensive training from a renowned gemological institute, which has equipped her with comprehensive knowledge and expertise in the identification, grading, and valuation of gemstones.


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