Unraveling Gomed Stone Side Effects Worth Knowing

There are minuscule number of gemstones that hold the power to either amplify the quality of life of a wearer or make it topsy-turvy in no time. Gomed stone, primarily known as hessonite gemstone, is one such formidable and significant gemstone. Best known for nullifying the ill effects of the vicious planet Rahu and pouring oodles of benefits on the wearer if Rahu is sitting at favorable positions in one’s horoscope, gomed stone is revered for exhibiting dark brown to golden brown hues that give this gemstone a breathtaking appearance.

Like other gemstones, original hessonite stone has its own pros and cons. We have already discussed the astrological benefits of wearing a hessonite gemstone in one of our blog posts. This blog post is solely dedicated to gomed stone side effects that can make all gemstone enthusiasts aware of its potential negative effects before embracing it wholeheartedly. Make sure to embrace natural hessonite stone only after consulting an experienced astrologer as only an astrologer can suggest when to wear it to derive maximum benefits and keep the negative effects at bay.

Side Effects of Gomed Stone

Embracing gomed gemstones influences the numerous walks of life, be it physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual. It’s wise of anyone to know the vicious effects of embracing the original gomed stone so that a wearer can prepare in advance mentally to bear ramifications if plan to wear this powerful gemstone. Let’s have a close look at all the side effects of gomed stone.

  1. Malefic Effects of Rahu

If the formidable planet Rahu is residing at unfavorable positions in a wearer’s horoscope, embracing the original gomed stone can render catastrophic effects which can disturb the umpteen aspects of life. The impact of gomed stone strongly depends on the position of Rahu in one’s horoscope. If the planet Rahu is at the 6th, 8th, and 12th houses, it is bound to deliver horrendous consequences to the wearer.

  1. Numerous Allergic Reactions

Another dire side effect of wearing gomed stone is the emergence of different types of allergic reactions. A wearer may experience the development of allergies on various parts of the body that can grow over the course of time and make life a hellish affair for an individual. It is strongly suggested to immediately stop wearing a gomed stone and consult a distinguished astrologer if allergic reactions are developed swiftly. 

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  1. Psychological effects

Robust Gemstones like Neelam stone or gomed are widely believed to have subtle energy influences on the aura of a wearer and some individuals may experience psychological effects when wearing Gomed or any other gemstone due to the clash of two different energies. These effects could be positive, such as increased confidence or clarity, or negative, such as heightened anxiety or restlessness. It’s important to pay attention to your own experiences and discontinue use if you notice any adverse psychological effects. Hence. A wearer may develop minimal to intense psychological issues that can be treated easily by consulting a proficient psychologist.

  1. Migraine, Headache, & Dizziness

Perhaps one of the most dreadful side effects of hessonite stone is the sudden development of migraine, headaches, or dizziness. It has been studied by numerous astrologers that wearing a gomed stone enhances the flow of blood circulation in the body which ramps up the blood pressure and develops the above-stated issues. And the prevailing of headache and dizziness issues develop into other severe problems like diabetes or kidney failure, Hence, it’s exemplary to stop wearing gomed stone if any of the three issues arise immediately.

  1. Spiritual and energetic imbalances

Gemstones that encapsulate potent vibes like a ruby stone or hessonite stone are believed to interact with the subtle energy fields of the body. In some cases, wearing Gomed stone or any other powerful gemstone may disrupt the natural energy flow or create imbalances of energy in the body of a wearer. It’s advisable to consult with an experienced astrologer or gemstone expert to ensure the compatibility of the gemstone with your energetic system. Otherwise, the spiritual imbalance can drift you away from the path of godliness or righteousness.

  1. Massive Financial Loss

Gomed is one of the most valuable precious gemstones and  Before purchasing a Gomed stone, it’s important to research and verify the authenticity and quality to ensure you are getting a genuine stone at a fair price. Wearing a fake or imitation of a gomed gemstone stone also comes with unimaginable horrendous repercussions. It may result in massive financial loss or the closing of umpteen doors of opportunities that may lead to immense financial success.

  1. Development of Negative Emotions

Gomed Stone is strongly believed to develop a negative mindset and trap a wearer in a whirlwind of negative emotions. Many gomed stone wearer has reported developing an outrageously negative mindset after embracing an original gomed stone. It is strictly advised to stop wearing gomed stone if the negativity hits you expeditiously.

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  1. Dependency and Expectations

Sometimes, after embracing an original gomed stone, individuals may develop a strong dependency, or intimacy on gemstones or have unrealistic expectations regarding their effects. It’s important to remember that gemstones are not magical solutions and should not replace proper medical or psychological treatment when needed. They are best used as complementary tools alongside other forms of therapy or treatments.

How to Minimize Gomed Stone Side Effects?

While it’s quintessential to be aware of the potential side effects or considerations associated with Gomed stone, there are some noteworthy steps you can take to minimize any possible adverse effects and maintain serenity in your life.  Here are a few guidelines to follow:

Consult a knowledgeable expert: Before wearing a natural Gomed stone or any other powerful gemstone, consult with a qualified astrologer, or a gemstone expert, or a healthcare professional to make sure you are making the right decision. They can analyze your birth chart, assess your suitability for the stone, and provide personalized guidance on the size, quality, and wearing methods to minimize potential side effects of gomed stone.

Choose a Genuine Stone

 Ensure that you purchase a genuine Gomed stone from a reputable and trustworthy source to avoid roping in a replica of gomed stone. Counterfeit or low-quality stones may have unknown substances or impurities that could cause adverse reactions. Research and verify the authenticity and quality of the stone before making a purchase.

Wear it in the Correct Finger or Body Part

According to Vedic astrology, Gomed gemstone is usually worn in a silver ring on the middle finger of the right hand. However, depending on the astrological recommendations or personal preferences, it may be worn on other fingers or body parts. Follow the prescribed guidelines to ensure the stone’s energy is properly channeled.

Wear it for Recommended Durations 

Gemstones are often recommended to be worn for specific durations, such as during specific periods of the day or continuously for a certain number of days. Follow the guidance provided by your astrologer or expert to minimize the chances of any adverse effects.

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Clean and Energize the Stone Regularly

Regularly clean and energize your Gomed stone to maintain its positive energy. You can do this by soaking the stone in a mixture of clean water and sea salt, or by placing it in sunlight or moonlight for a few hours. Cleansing and energizing can help remove any negative energies that may have accumulated.

Pay Attention to Your Body and Mind

Be mindful of how you feel when wearing the Gomed stone. If you notice any discomfort, unease, or adverse effects, consider removing the stone and consulting with an expert. Each person is unique, and individual sensitivities may vary, so it’s important to listen to your body and mind.

Maintain a Balanced Approach 

It is strictly recommended that gemstones are not magical solutions, and it’s essential to maintain a balanced and rational approach. Use Gomed or any gemstone as a complementary tool alongside other forms of therapy or treatments, and avoid relying solely on gemstones for all your needs. Seek proper medical or psychological advice when required.

Remember, the effects of gemstones can vary from person to person, and it’s important to find the right balance and approach for your individual circumstances. Consulting with experts and staying attentive to your own experiences will help minimize any potential side effects and maximize the benefits of the Gomed stone.

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Written By pmkkgems

Muskan Sain is a well-versed gemstone expert with over 8 years of experience in the field. She has received extensive training from a renowned gemological institute, which has equipped her with comprehensive knowledge and expertise in the identification, grading, and valuation of gemstones.


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