Best Gemstones To Relieve Anxiety and Depression 

Time and again, a lot has been written on the multi-dimensional usage of gemstones. Apart from being the classic symbol of status or royalty for influential personalities, gemstones’ implications in a multitude of industry verticals are simply startling and make them one of the most revered, robust, and sought-after entities in all segments. 

People’s reliance on gemstones to augment beauty, pull success, and rectify ill health is not hidden from anyone. Similarly, gemstones are also heavily used to get immense relief from day-to-day issues like anxiety and depression. Certain gemstones when worn considering the Zodiac sign and birth chart can also a wearer to cut down unwanted stress in life and get over from depression swiftly. One noteworthy aspect here is that not all gemstones deliver the result with the same intensity and pace. Results may vary from individual to individual and the range of benefits may fluctuate as well.

In this all-inclusive blog post, we have curated the list of top 10 gemstones for anxiety and depression that will help you to plummet anxiety, depression, and stress by leaps and bounds. Moreover, all the below-stated gemstones for anxiety and depression should only be worn only after consulting an experienced and expert astrologer as wearing such powerful entities can bring annihilating results if worn without analyzing the birth chart.

10 Gemstones for Anxiety & Depression


The forever-stunning purple amethyst stone is vehemently believed to have calming and protective properties. It has been observed by many spiritual practitioners that an original amethyst gemstone can help block the strongest block of negative energy, promote inner peace, instill harmony, boost memory and dwindle depression. Some believe that meditating with amethyst can put the restless to rest in mind and allow for deeper understanding and insight. Numerous healing practitioners also claim that amethyst plays a major role in strengthening the immune system and cleansing the blood. Ultimately, amethyst is hailed by millions as a beautiful gemstone that creates a soothing, spiritual atmosphere apart from adding heaps of charm!

Blue Sapphire

Under the undying grace of the azure blue sapphire stone, troubles melt away in no time and peace embraces you completely. Moreover, long-lasting Grudges between loved ones dissipate as the calm blue energy radiates life-transforming vibes. Career woes vanish, obstacles disintegrate, and prosperity flows in this scintillating gem’s presence. The sapphire’s tranquil and robust powers banish anxiety and depression like no other gemstone. 

But beware, this crystal’s gifts emerge only for those deemed worthy by the analysis of the birth chart. Consult their cosmic charts before donning the neelam stone, or else a  wearer must be ready to face the fury of the heavens. Only with the astrologers’ blessing can the sapphire unlock its full potential to restore relationships, wealth, and mental peace. Wield its power wisely.


Considered as one of the best substitutes of yellow sapphire, citrine is a yellow crystal that radiates heaps of positive energy capable enough to destroy any level of stress and depression. It brings feelings of happiness, optimism, and fresh perspectives and preserves them as well. Citrine helps to lift dark moods and stagnant energies. It is known as the “merchant’s stone” and is strongly associated with prosperity and luck. The bright yellow color of citrine gemstone reminds us of sunshine and new beginnings. Citrine illuminates one’s inner light and helps to elevate consciousness level.


The emerald, also called panna stone in Vedic astrology, is a popular green color crystal extensively used in gem therapy and healing practices. It is strongly associated with the planet Mercury and the official birthstone of May month. Emeralds are renowned for helping people through challenging times and attracting prosperity. This stone promotes emotional balance and harmony. It is especially beneficial for those born under the zodiac signs of Gemini and Virgo, which are ruled by Mercury. The emerald’s green color evokes renewal, growth, and peace. It is also touted as the stone of wisdom and discernment.


Often referred to as the substitute of emeralds, Malachite is a dark green healing stone that promotes inner peace, clarity in thought process, and emotional balance. It helps in settling down overwhelming feelings and numbness that wearers often experience due to sheer negativity. Malachite has been used since ancient times to heal trauma and past hurts. It instills a sense of acceptance and stillness and develops maturity. This stone is beloved by energy healers for its unparalleled ability to restore equilibrium and harmony. Malachite’s deep green color conveys renewal, restoring vitality on many levels.

Yellow Sapphire

Yellow sapphire is one of the most powerful gemstones vehemently associated with the planet Jupiter. It is known as a classic stone of wisdom and prosperity. Additionally, Yellow sapphire improves decision-making skills, mental clarity, and wealth. It can provide great help to resolve marital issues. This yellow sapphire stone enhances one’s status and brings happiness. Yellow sapphire is considered the most powerful crystal for those born under Jupiter’s influence. Its golden color represents the energy of abundance, success, and good fortune. This stone helps manifest a prosperous and joyful life.

Rose Quartz

Rose quartz is an alluring pink stone associated with feminine and nurturing energy. It provides a remarkable aid in healing emotional wounds and opening the heart chakra to receive greater love. Rose quartz promotes feelings of trust, harmony, and compassion. It allows one to embrace self-care and self-love by putting away anxiety and depression at bay. This gentle stone brings light and vitality back to worrisome and gloomy hearts. It also clears away grief, anger, and hurtful feelings. Rose quartz radiates an energy of comfort, healing, and inner peace. Its soft pink color is calming and romantic. This stone helps restore faith, hope, and emotional balance.


Ruby is a beautiful red gemstone that has long been prized for its rich color and hardness. In crystal healing, ruby is believed to impart several beneficial properties. Some people feel that wearing ruby helps overcome obstacles and promotes success, passion, and vigor. The vibrant red color manik stone is thought to stimulate the heart chakra, promoting vitality and zest for life. Ruby is also believed to promote courage, confidence, and motivation. While the metaphysical powers of crystals are unproven scientifically, ruby remains a treasured gemstone admired for its beauty, hardness, and durability. Its rich symbolism and associations with love, passion, and vigor contribute to ruby’s mystique and timeless appeal.

Moon Stone

Moonstone is a beautiful, pearly white gemstone that has long been appreciated for its subtle glow and association with the moon. In crystal healing belief systems, moonstone is thought to have several therapeutic properties. Some feel it promotes hormonal balance, emotional stability, and intuition. The soothing energy of moonstone is believed to help relieve anxiety and tension. As a stone associated with new beginnings, it is thought to aid transformation and self-discovery. While the metaphysical properties of crystals are unproven, moonstone remains sought after for its attractive sheen and symbolic meaning. Its cool, luminous beauty has an enduring appeal. While moonstone cannot treat medical conditions, it continues to be used in crystal healing practices and treasured as a decorative gemstone.


Pearl is a beautiful natural gem formed within certain mollusks. Its smooth, luminous beauty has made it prized for jewelry and adornment throughout history. In crystal healing beliefs, pearl is associated with positive virtues like faith, charity, and purity. Some feel wearing pearl can promote honesty, integrity, and focus on aspirations. However, pearl’s purported metaphysical powers are unproven scientifically. Beyond healing myths, pearl remains treasured for its classic, understated elegance. Its organic origins and rarity in nature contribute to pearl’s timeless appeal. Regardless of crystal healing claims, pearl’s soft glow and association with the moon and water evoke a sense of tranquility. Above all, it endures as a gem of simple, effortless beauty.

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Written By pmkkgems

Muskan Sain is a well-versed gemstone expert with over 8 years of experience in the field. She has received extensive training from a renowned gemological institute, which has equipped her with comprehensive knowledge and expertise in the identification, grading, and valuation of gemstones.


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