White Gemstone Names: List of Top 10 White Gems

White is a color of peace, integrity, serenity, and truth. White color is one of the classiest and most beloved colors of all time enclosing timeless and ageless appeal. Such is the impact and craze of white color among the masses that even people seek white color gemstones that resonate well with their fashion taste and cater to astrological needs. 

The domain of white gems is humongous and it wouldn’t be possible for us to state the entire list of white gemstone names here. The only practical way to make our valued readers and gemstone enthusiasts aware of key white gems is to enclose only the most sought-after white gemstones on our list. This post comprises all the principal white gemstone names that are of paramount astrological significance and acknowledged highly by the masses.

List of White Stone Names

White Sapphire

White sapphires are precious gemstones that originate as colorless, translucent crystals in their purest natural form. Historically associated with royalty, they were believed in medieval times to represent virtues like wisdom, divinity, and purity. Sapphires have held symbolic meaning in various cultures and faiths, from representing the heavens in ancient Greece, to enlightenment in Buddhism.

The pure white variety of the corundum mineral, white sapphires are prized for their rarity, hardness, and clarity. With a 9 out of 10 rating on the Mohs hardness scale, they are durable stones often used in jewelry as diamond substitutes. Intellectually stimulating, they are also believed to enhance intuition and bring luck or protection to the wearer by connecting them to a higher self or power. Overall, the white sapphire is a precious gemstone tied throughout history to humanity’s pursuit of truth, virtue, and meaning.

White Opal

White opal, a gemstone characterized by its milky appearance and iridescent flashes, is composed of hydrated silica. With a hardness rating of 6 on the Mohs scale, this gem is commonly sourced from Australia and finds applications in jewelry, glass, and ceramics due to its rich silica content.

Beyond its aesthetic appeal, white opal stone is thought to foster emotional equilibrium, enhance creativity, and contribute to the alleviation of anxiety and depression. Aligned with the crown chakra, it symbolizes purity and innocence, making it a sought-after element in both architecture and fashion for its captivating shimmer and iridescence. Furthermore, it serves as the zodiac stone for Libra, believed to bring balance, harmony, and luck to those who embrace it.

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White Diamond

For centuries, white diamonds have been the poster child for rarity in the gemstone world. Their extreme hardness and “purity” evoke images of unattainable luxury. However, the truth about diamond scarcity is murkier than the jewelers would have us believe. Much of the mysticism around diamonds has been manufactured by savvy marketing rather than grounded in geology.

Beyond the monetary hype lies a luminous stone carrying real symbolic power. Ancient Greek origins tie the diamond to indestructibility, while in Hinduism, white diamonds represent infinite, incorruptible divine brilliance. Those born in April are graced with diamonds as their birthstone, believed to purify energy and offer protection through clarity of mind and spirit. Rarity aside, the crystalline radiance of a white diamond emanates timeless truths about our origins and creative potential.

White Coral

White coral, a variant of calcium carbonate formed in marine environments, naturally develops in colonies shaped by polyps that draw minerals from seawater to construct their skeletons. Ranging in color from white to pinkish-white, this coral primarily comprises aragonite while also possibly incorporating elements like quartz, calcite, and feldspar.

For centuries, white coral has held spiritual and symbolic significance. It is believed to bestow peace, harmony, luck, and protection against malevolent influences. Beyond its metaphysical associations, white coral is thought to offer spiritual advantages, promoting calmness, and emotional equilibrium, and enhancing intuition and creativity for its wearer. The elegant aesthetic of white coral makes it a preferred choice for crafting jewelry and accessories, contributing to a sophisticated appearance. Additionally, it finds application in construction for decorative purposes.

Peek Here: – Gemstones for Health

White Topaz

While blue and orange topaz stones may be more widely recognized, there is also a lesser-known colorless variant. These achromatic gemstones, part of the topaz family, are considered the least valuable among the various topaz varieties and are commonly discovered in regions such as Brazil, Mexico, Australia, and Colorado.

For those born in late November or early December under the sign of Sagittarius, the topaz is their zodiac stone, adding an extra touch of significance to their birth month.

Although colorless topaz stones may exhibit a lower refractive index, resulting in less sparkle compared to other white gemstones, their durability is noteworthy, boasting an impressive 8 on the Mohs hardness scale.

While they may not dazzle as much, white topaz stones compensate with purported healing properties. In medieval times, St. Hildegard, a German polymath, advocated for the use of topaz as a remedy for dim vision, adding an intriguing layer to the gem’s historical significance.

White Zircon

White zircon is a pure, colorless form of the zircon mineral. While zircon occurs in various colors like red and blue, white zircon lacks impurities and has a heavenly shine. These durable gems have been valued since ancient times, with Greeks and Romans utilizing them as early as the 6th century. Some white zircons are estimated to be a staggering 4.4 billion years old.

Though less valuable than diamonds, white zircons make beautiful, affordable alternatives for jewelry. Their gleaming clarity carries symbolic meaning too, representing awareness and humility. In chakra healing, white zircon links to the crown chakra at the top of the head, said to connect us to the cosmos.

Astrologically, white zircon serves as a talismanic stone for Taurus and Libra. Both zodiac signs fall under the planet Venus. Mythology credits white zircons with warding off evil influences, fostering personal achievement, and promoting higher consciousness. Their legacy spans human history, antiquity, and possibly the origin of the Earth itself.

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The moonstone, an exquisite celestial gem, derives its name from the enchanting resemblance of its shimmer to lunar beams. This gem, classified as an orthoclase feldspar, registers a 6 to 6.5 on the Mohs hardness scale, showcasing a captivating vitreous luster.

Adorned in a milky white hue, moonstones are renowned for their numerous inclusions, often bearing a striking resemblance to centipedes with intricate lines reminiscent of the creature’s legs.

Individuals born in June are fortunate to claim this ethereal jewel as their birthstone, embodying qualities of hope, harmony, and inspiration. However, the allure of moonstones extends beyond birth months, offering their healing properties to all.

Aligned with the sacral and third eye chakras, white moonstones serve as supportive allies for reproductive health, fertility, sexual energy, and the exploration of one’s higher self. Beyond their mystical associations, moonstones prove particularly beneficial for those engaged in emotionally demanding professions, such as social workers, therapists, counselors, and emergency responders, assisting in the release of negativity from their intense daily experiences.

Natural Pearl

Formed within the shells of mollusks, natural pearls are organic gemstones renowned for their iridescent luster. Their creation begins when an irritant enters the mollusk’s shell and stimulates the production of shimmering mineral layers. Over time, these coatings build up around the irritant, ultimately transforming it into a lustrous pearl. While ancient civilizations harvested wild freshwater and saltwater pearls, the majority of pearls today are cultured. This involves surgically embedding a bead nucleus inside mollusks to induce pearl formation.

Imbued with deep cultural symbolism, pearls have long represented purity, wisdom, resilience, and other virtues in civilizations worldwide. Many cultures also ascribe metaphysical properties to pearls, including the abilities to inspire clarity, balance emotions, promote unconditional love and self-understanding. Wearing pearls is even thought to reduce anxiety and shield against negative energies. More than beautiful gems, pearls thus hold timeless significance as both physical and spiritual talismans.

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White Jade

For centuries, white jade has stood as a symbol of good fortune, recognized for its myriad personal healing attributes. What sets white jade apart is its unique capability to enhance love in one’s life, fostering stronger connections with both friends and romantic partners. This remarkable stone facilitates emotional healing and cultivates a sense of tranquility and serenity.

Scoring a 6 on the Mohs hardness scale, jade is a resilient gemstone. White jade, a variety known as nephrite, exhibits a white, off-white, or milky coloration.

White jade emerges as a potent healer, boasting a spectrum of beneficial properties, including:

  • Support for bladder and kidney functions.
  • Soothing effects on arthritis.
  • Assistance with various joint and bone ailments.
  • Aid in detoxification processes.
  • Boost to the immune system.
  • Strengthening effects on eyes and skin.

With its impressive array of health benefits, white jade has rightfully earned its reputation as a perennially fortunate gemstone.

White Jasper

White jasper is a variety of the microcrystalline quartz mineral chalcedony, formed in sedimentary rocks. Distinguished by its sugary texture and subtle white or light gray color with faint patterns, it rates 6.5 to 7 on the Mohs hardness scale. White jasper frequently contains inclusions of associated minerals like calcite, pyrite, and hematite.

In crystal healing traditions, white jasper symbolizes hope and embodies calming, restorative properties that purportedly benefit both mind and body. Linked to the crown chakra, white jasper is believed to represent healing energies. It is utilized in jewelry, massage therapy, divination rituals, meditation, and more. White jasper is also reputed to offer protection from negativity and attract good fortune. With its gentle yet potent healing energies, this humble sedimentary stone has inspired faith in its curative powers since ancient times.

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Written By pmkkgems

Muskan Sain is a well-versed gemstone expert with over 8 years of experience in the field. She has received extensive training from a renowned gemological institute, which has equipped her with comprehensive knowledge and expertise in the identification, grading, and valuation of gemstones.


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