Neelam Stone 3.75 Carat

SKU: G890399183

Availability: In stock


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Additional Info
Weight In Caret 3.7500
Weight In Ratti 4.1100
Weight in grm 0.7500
ORIGIN Sri Lanka(Ceylon)
Benefits Its improve in our name and fame.
Quality Excellent
Shape Cushion Mixed
Mantra ““"Om Sham Shanicharaye Namah"””
SIZE 8.36 X 8.46 X 4.89 MM
TREATMENT Unheated And Untreated

Blue sapphire Gemstones (Neelam Gemstone) represents the planet Saturn (शनि ग्रह). Wearing Sapphire pacifies all the doshas related to Saturn. Blue Sapphire is found in blue, light blue, sky blue, and violet colors. It is a heavy and transparent stone. They show some transparency when viewed in sunlight, but most sapphires are opaque. Their light and dark color make no difference to their effect. Sapphire is found in Burma, Sri Lanka, Bangkok, India, Australia. But the most sought-after blue sapphire is Sri Lankan. Wearing sapphire is considered very auspicious for the people of Capricorn and Aquarius. Directed by the powerful planet Saturn, Blue Sapphire (Neelam) is one of the focal diamonds of Navratna (9 Graha). It addresses just the ageless assortments of midnight blue. These exquisite shades, hued by the presence of titanium and iron, are most alluring when they have a somewhat purplish-blue tone, for example, smooth.


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