Single Source Gemstones: A Comprehensive Guide

Gemstones are one of the few prevailing entities on this planet that need no introduction. Anyone who has even heard a little about gemstones knows well how formidable, sacred, and alluring these entities are. Gemstones are distinctive, astrologically significant, and play a quintessential role in augmenting the beauty and charm of fine pieces of jewelry. 

Some gemstones are available in abundance in all major regions, while other gems are found only in a particular region. Gemstones available in a single source are some of the rarest and most valuable gems with monumental demand in the market and in the realm of astrology. This all-inclusive blog post revolves solely around single-source gemstones or gemstones found in one place. The scarcity and uneven geographical distribution of single-source gems make them quite valuable, fabled, and unique. Here is our compilation of the top 10 single-source gemstones with in-depth detail.

List of Single Source Gemstones


Tanzanite, widely regarded as once in a generation gemstone,” owes this title to its rapidly dwindling supply, which means our generation might be the last to purchase these stones directly from the source. Discovered in the 1960s by Tiffany & Co. in Tanzania, the existing deposits of this mesmerizing blue gemstone are predicted to be exhausted within the next 20 years. Far rarer than diamonds, tanzanite stone is exclusively mined in the Manyara region of Northern Tanzania within a mere 4-by-2-kilometer area at the base of Mount Kilimanjaro.

Tanzanite holds the immense potential to significantly transform Tanzania’s feeble economy. In a remarkable instance from early 2020, a small-scale miner struck it rich by selling two of the largest tanzanite roughs ever found, with a combined weight of 15 kilograms, instantly becoming a millionaire. This gemstone boasts all the essential qualities for fame: a scarce supply, a unique trichroic nature, and a beneficial impact on local communities. With adequate governmental support and effective regulation, the true value of tanzanite must be realized before the mines are depleted.

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Nestled in the heart of the Dominican Republic lies a gemstone so rare and exquisite that it has captured the imagination of gemstone enthusiasts worldwide. Larimar, a mesmerizing blend of blue and white hues, is a true gem of the Caribbean, found in a mere one square mile area within the serpentinized ultramafic rocks of the region.

Discovered in the late 1950s by Peace Corps volunteers, who stumbled upon the captivating “Dolphin stone” or “Atlantis Stone” washed ashore, Larimar gemstone was initially sent to the Smithsonian for evaluation. It was then revealed to be a member of the pectolite family, yet its unique coloration and scarcity rendered it one of the rarest gemstones on the planet.

The striking blue and white colors that evoke the beauty of the seashore are a result of the presence of copper, vanadium, hematite, phosphorus, and silica, all combined through the mystical process of volcanic activity. Larimar’s formation is a true masterpiece of nature, a testament to the Earth’s creative forces.

All mining of this precious gemstone is done through artisanal means, providing a sustainable livelihood for the local community. However, the journey to unearth these treasures is an arduous one, with miners often going for years without finding a single piece of Larimar. As the surface shafts have been depleted, the mines now delve deep into the mountain, making each discovery even more precious.

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Kashmir Blue Sapphire

The Kashmir Blue Sapphire is considered the holy grail of sapphires  by many gemstone enthusiasts.  These incredibly rare sapphires are known for their mesmerizing cornflower blue color and velvety texture, which is caused by microscopic needle-like inclusions called silk. Kashmir sapphires are mined in the Kashmir region of India, which is located in the Himalayas.

The rarity and beauty of Kashmir Blue Sapphires have made them some of the most valuable gemstones in the world.  Prices can start at around $1,250 per carat and go up to over $150,000 per carat!  The most famous Kashmir Blue Sapphire is the  “Blue Belle of Asia,” a 35-carat cushion-cut stone that was auctioned off in 2014 for a staggering $17.3 million.


Alexandrite is a rare variety of chrysoberyl that is prized for its remarkable color-changing properties. : Alexandrite exhibits one of the most dramatic color changes in the gemstone world. In daylight or fluorescent light, it appears bluish-green, but in incandescent light, it shifts to a purplish-red hue. This unique optical phenomenon is called “alexandrite effect” or “alexandrite chrysoberyl effect.”

Alexandrite is exceptionally rare due to the precise geochemical environment required for its formation. The main source is the Ural Mountains of Russia, where it was first discovered in 1830. Fine-quality alexandrites with a strong color change can be more valuable than diamonds of equivalent size and quality. Their rarity, unique color-changing ability, and historical significance contribute to their high prices in the gemstone market.

Black Opal

Many people know about the creamy white opal, but a rare and highly prized black variety is found exclusively in the Lightning Ridge area of New South Wales, Australia. Discovered in 1938, black opals are unique for their dark background, which showcases vibrant, colorful inclusions. One of the most famous examples is the “Aurora Australis,” a 180-carat black opal valued at over $763,000 USD in 2005.

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Moldavite, a glassy green gemstone, boasts a fascinating origin story. Formed over 15 million years ago by a colossal asteroid impact in Germany, this extraterrestrial treasure was scattered across parts of Central Europe.

In recent times, moldavite stone’s popularity has soared, leading to an unfortunate increase in imitations. These fakes can be deceptively realistic, sometimes etched with acid to mimic the natural textures of real moldavite. To ensure you’re getting the genuine article, consider consulting a gemologist before purchasing this cosmic gem.

Burma Ruby

Burma Ruby, also known as Mogok Ruby or Burmese Ruby, refers to rubies mined in Myanmar (formerly Burma). These rubies are renowned for their exceptional color and quality.Rubies from the Mogok Valley in Upper Myanmar are considered among the finest in the world. This region has been a major source of rubies for centuries.

The supply of high-quality Burma Rubies is limited, making them exceptionally rare and valuable. The best specimens can fetch extremely high prices at auctions and in the gemstone market.

Historical Significance: Burma Rubies have been coveted by royalty and collectors for centuries. They have played a significant role in the history and culture of Myanmar, and many famous rubies, such as the Delong Ruby and the Graff Ruby, originate from the Mogok Valley.

Ethical Concerns: Due to the political situation in Myanmar, there have been concerns about the ethical sourcing of Burma Rubies. Many international gem organizations have implemented guidelines and certification processes to ensure responsible sourcing and traceability.

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Despite the abundance of synthetic versions, genuine natural ametrine is a rare gemstone that comes from a single source: the Anahi mine in Sandoval province, Eastern Bolivia. This distinctive gemstone features a striking blend of purple amethyst on one side and orange citrine on the other.

Paraiba Tourmaline

Paraiba tourmaline is a type of tourmaline gemstone known for its intense and vibrant blue to green colors. It is one of the most prized gemstones in the world, due to its rarity and beauty.

First discovered in 1989 in the state of Paraíba, Brazil, paraíba tourmaline is a variety of elbaite tourmaline. Its unique coloration is caused by the presence of copper, manganese, and sometimes traces of bismuth. These elements combine to create a stunning neon-like blue or turquoise color that is unlike any other gemstone.

Paraíba tourmalines can also be found in greenish-blue and even green hues, though the most valuable stones are the pure, intense blues. The rarest and most valuable paraíba tourmalines are free of any inclusions (tiny flaws within the stone).

Due to their rarity and beauty, paraíba tourmalines can be quite expensive. They are often used in high-end jewelry, such as rings, earrings, and necklaces.

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Red Beryl

The Utah Geological Survey has found that red beryl, also known as red emerald or bixbite, is incredibly rare, with only one red beryl discovered for every 150,000 gem-quality diamonds mined. These precious stones were first uncovered in 1958 in the Wah Wah Mountains of Beaver County, Utah. The Harris family undertook mining operations from 1976 to 2001 before ceasing production. Today, there are estimated to be no more than 30,000 cut red beryl stones in circulation, with those weighing 2 to 3 carats considered exceptionally valuable.

Unlike pure beryl, which is colorless, the vibrant red hue of red beryl is attributed to the presence of manganese and other elements in the rocks. This unique coloring sets red beryl apart as a highly sought-after gemstone.


Taaffeite, a captivating gemstone shrouded in mystery, has a tale of mistaken identity that adds to its allure. For years, this mesmerizing mauve-hued gem was misunderstood and lumped together with its cousin, the mauve-colored spinel. It wasn’t until 1945, when Count Edward Charles Richard Taaffe, a renowned gemologist from Dublin, stumbled upon an unconventional discovery that the truth was unveiled.

Intrigued by this anomaly, he delved deeper into his investigation, ultimately uncovering that these enigmatic gems were, in fact, an entirely new mineral species – a revelation that would forever etch his name into the annals of gemological history.

While the precise origins of taaffeite remain elusive, with potential sources spanning China, Burma, the former Soviet Union, and Sri Lanka, its scarcity is undeniable. Today, it is estimated that only about 50 known units of this exquisite gemstone exist worldwide, rendering it one of the rarest and most coveted treasures in the realm of gemstones. Its exclusivity is further amplified by its staggering value, commanding a breathtaking $35,000 per carat, a testament to its unparalleled allure and rarity.

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Written By pmkkgems

Muskan Sain is a well-versed gemstone expert with over 8 years of experience in the field. She has received extensive training from a renowned gemological institute, which has equipped her with comprehensive knowledge and expertise in the identification, grading, and valuation of gemstones.


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