Can We Wear Cracked Gemstones for Results?

Anyone who knows even a little about gemstones is aware of their competence and influence on human beings. Gemstones are timeless pieces of minerals revered for their extraordinary beauty and astrological significance. Among the plethora of gemstone types, different gemstones yield different results with a massive degree of variations in their pace to deliver results. 

Powerful gemstones like original blue sapphires or natural ruby gemstones deliver coveted results expeditiously. On the other hand, sem-precious or other precious stones with feeble energy vibes deliver sluggish results but they are effective as well. To deliver the desired results, gemstones should be in intact condition as long as they are in contact with wearers. Even the slightest tear or fracture in exorbitant and precious gemstones like original emeralds can impact the quality of results they deliver. The former statement raises a very signification question “ Can we wear cracked gemstones?” or “Is  it right to wear cracked gemstones?”      

This blog post is jotted down with the sole purpose of answering all the above-stated pivotal queries that will clear your stance on whether a cracked gemstone should be worn or not. 

Why Some Gemstones Crack Terribly?

Gemstones can crack due to umpteen reasons, with physical impact being the most dominant reason. Have you ever forgotten to take off your favorite ring before hitting the gym? If yes, that’s a surefire way to end up with a cracked stone. Sometimes, the damage happens so subtly that you don’t even notice it until it’s too late.

Now, here’s a fun fact: a stone’s hardness plays a significant role in its tendency to crack under physical stress. The Mohs scale, ranging from 1 to 10, determines a stone’s hardness level. Stones with lower hardness ratings like natural red corals are generally not the best choice for jewelry-making because they’re more prone to cracking and scratching. So, when you’re shopping for that perfect gemstone, be sure to pay attention to its hardness rating.

But physical impact isn’t the only enemy of gemstones. Temperature changes can also wreak havoc, especially on stones with a high water content, like the beautiful opal. These stones can literally crack as the water evaporates from them. Don’t panic, though! There’s a quick fix: simply soak your opal in water for a few hours, and it’ll replenish its moisture content. Of course, the best solution is to wear your opal jewelry regularly and take good care of it to prevent water loss in the first place.

At the end of the day, being attentive and gentle with your precious gemstone jewelry is the key to avoiding cracks and chips. Handle them with care, and they’ll keep sparkling for years to come.

Read More: – Gemstones for Beauty

Is It Right To Wear Cracked Gemstones?

In astrology, gemstones are often associated with specific planets and are believed to possess certain energies that can influence an individual’s life. However, the use of cracked gemstones is generally not recommended, both astrologically and from a gemstone quality perspective.

Astrologically, original yellow sapphire gemstones are thought to harness and amplify the planetary energies they represent. A cracked gemstone may not be able to effectively channel these energies due to its damaged state. This could potentially interfere with the intended purpose of wearing the gemstone for astrological benefits.

From a gemstone quality standpoint, cracks can significantly reduce the value and durability of a gemstone. They may affect the stone’s clarity, color, and overall aesthetic appeal. Cracked gemstones are also more prone to further damage and may break or chip easily with regular wear.

If you’re considering wearing gemstones for astrological purposes, it’s generally advisable to choose high-quality, undamaged stones that are free from cracks and flaws. This ensures that you receive the full benefit of the gemstone’s energy while also enjoying its beauty and longevity.

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What To Do When a Gemstone is Cracked?

Assess the Damage: Carefully inspect the cracked gemstone and determine the extent of the damage. Is it a hairline crack or a more significant fracture? This will help you decide the best course of action.

Stop Wearing the Jewelry: As soon as you notice a crack, stop wearing the piece of jewelry to prevent further damage. Continued wear can cause the crack to worsen or cause the gemstone to break completely.

Consult a Professional: Take the cracked gemstone to a qualified jeweler or gemologist. They can provide you with expert advice on whether the stone can be repaired or if it needs to be replaced.

Also Read: – In Which metal to wear Gemstones for Best results

Repair Options: Depending on the type of gemstone and the severity of the crack, there are a few repair options:

a. Fracture Filling: For some gemstones, like emeralds or rubies, a specialized resin or epoxy can be carefully injected into the crack to stabilize and improve the appearance of the stone.

b. Repolishing: If the crack is minor and doesn’t extend too deep into the stone, a skilled lapidary may be able to repolish the gemstone, removing the cracked area and restoring its brilliance.

c. Resetting: In cases where the crack is too severe or the stone is too damaged, the jeweler may recommend removing the gemstone from its setting and replacing it with a new one.

Prevention: Once you have the cracked pearl gemstone repaired or replaced, take steps to prevent future damage. Avoid exposing the jewelry to extreme temperature changes, harsh chemicals, or physical impacts. Store it properly when not in use, and have it periodically checked by a professional.

Remember, while a cracked gemstone can be disappointing, it’s often possible to salvage or replace the stone, especially when you act promptly and consult an expert.

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Written By pmkkgems

Muskan Sain is a well-versed gemstone expert with over 8 years of experience in the field. She has received extensive training from a renowned gemological institute, which has equipped her with comprehensive knowledge and expertise in the identification, grading, and valuation of gemstones.


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