How To Identify Original Moonga Stone

Gemstones have always been a continuous source of research for gemologists and an enigma for the masses. It is still indigestible for researchers that a small piece of alluring stone encloses outrageous power to alter the lives of individuals without any hitch. Among all the stunning and formidable gemstones, red coral aka moonga stone holds a special distinction in umpteen ways.

Widely synonymous with the Planet Mars, a natural red coral stone is the most invaluable gift to mankind by the majestic oceans.  This vermillion color gemstone is well known to nullify the ill effects of the Planet Mars such as turbulent relationships, delay in marriage, excess anger issues, etc. However, an original moonga stone delivers its whole impact if it’s original. It is quintessential for any red coral gemstone wearer to ensure he/she wears an original stone to witness the coveted changes and growth in life. The plight here is that the general masses barely know how to identify an original moonga stone.

The ultimate objective of this blog post is to state all the time-tested and effective methods that help in identifying original red coral stones and how to distinguish them from fake or synthetic ones.

Different Ways to Identify Natural Moonga Stone

  1. Color

One of the easiest ways to identify original moonga stone is that authentic coral gemstones showcase a diverse palette of intense and lively colors, often presenting an irregular or speckled appearance. For instance, red coral might flaunt a spectrum of reds, pinks, and oranges, while pink coral could reveal subtle tones of peach or salmon. It’s essential to be cautious of coral that appears excessively uniform in color or lacks the richness and complexity of shades found in genuine specimens.

Read Worthy: – How To Wear Moonga

  1. Hardness

Coral gems rank low on the Mohs hardness scale, typically ranging from 3 to 4. This relatively soft nature makes genuine coral susceptible to scratches, even from something as innocuous as a fingernail or a sharp edge. If a supposed coral gemstone displays significant scratch resistance, it’s a telltale sign that the material is likely synthetic or an imitation, rather than authentic coral. The delicate composition of real coral renders it vulnerable to abrasions, a characteristic that can help distinguish it from its hardier, man-made counterparts.

  1. Temperature

Real coral gemstones possess a fascinating trait called thermochromism, where they shift in color based on temperature fluctuations. You can experience this by delicately warming the gemstone with your hands or breath and watching the enchanting transformation of hues unfold before your eyes.

  1. Spectroscopy

When it comes to identifying genuine red coral through spectroscopy, there are a few key techniques and indicators to look for:

Raman Spectroscopy: This method analyzes the inelastic scattering of monochromatic light by the material. Genuine red coral exhibits characteristic Raman spectral peaks at around 1085 cm⁻¹, 1510 cm⁻¹, and 1670 cm⁻¹, which are attributed to the vibrations of the calcium carbonate and organic components present in natural coral.

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Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR): FTIR spectroscopy can detect the presence of specific functional groups and molecular bonds in the coral sample. Natural red coral typically shows absorption bands around 1400-1500 cm⁻¹ (carbonate ions), 2800-3000 cm⁻¹ (organic C-H stretching), and a broad band around 3400 cm⁻¹ (hydroxyl groups).

Energy-Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS or EDX): This technique is used in conjunction with scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to analyze the elemental composition of the coral. Genuine red coral is primarily composed of calcium, carbon, and oxygen, with trace amounts of other elements like magnesium, strontium, and barium.

Ultraviolet-Visible (UV-Vis) Spectroscopy: The UV-Vis absorption spectrum of natural red coral typically exhibits a broad absorption band in the visible region due to the presence of organic pigments like carotenoids.

  1. Grain

Under magnification, authentic coral gemstones reveal a unique grain pattern akin to delicate lines or tiny grooves, a testament to the coral polyps’ growth process and a trustworthy marker of their genuineness. Conversely, synthetic or imitation corals often lack this natural grain or present a consistent, manufactured texture, making the distinction clear under scrutiny.

  1. Weight

Coral gemstones stand out for their lightweight nature when compared to gemstones of similar size. This characteristic serves as a useful indicator of authenticity, as genuine coral tends to feel light and airy in the hand. Conversely, if a red moonga stone gemstone feels unusually heavy or dense, it could be a signal that it’s made of synthetic or imitation materials. This weight discrepancy provides a practical and accessible method for enthusiasts and experts alike to discern between natural coral and its artificial counterparts.

All the above-stated methods will help you distinguish original red coral stones from imitations. Out of all the methods mentioned, spectroscopy is the most reliable and accurate one. 

Also Read: – Who Should Not Wear Red Coral


What are some common imitations of coral gemstones?

Frequent imitations of coral gemstones encompass dyed shells, plastic, glass, ceramic, and synthetic materials crafted to emulate the visual allure of genuine coral.

How can I distinguish genuine coral from imitations?

The methods we have mentioned in this blog post are the most reliable ways to effortlessly distinguish between authentic Japanese red coral stones from imitations.

How should I care for and clean coral gemstone jewelry?

Coral gemstones are nature’s delicate treasures, formed over centuries beneath the vast ocean depths. Caring for red corals demands a gentle touch and mindful approach. Harsh chemicals, scorching temperatures, and relentless sunlight can rob coral of its vibrant hues, leaving it dull and lifeless.

To preserve the radiant beauty of your coral jewelry, treat it with the same tender care you would a fragile coral reef. Avoid immersing it in chemical solutions or exposing it to extreme heat, for these can irreparably damage the gemstone’s delicate structure. Even the sun’s rays, though warm and inviting, can slowly bleach the coral’s vibrant pigments over time.

Where can I find genuine coral gemstones?

Though the web is packed with numerous sources from where you can buy red coral stones, Rashi Ratan Jaipur is considered one of the finest online stores to incur top-notch quality moonga stones at pocket-friendly prices. We also provide free gemstone certification to our customers.

Check Out: – Red Coral vs White Coral

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Written By pmkkgems

Muskan Sain is a well-versed gemstone expert with over 8 years of experience in the field. She has received extensive training from a renowned gemological institute, which has equipped her with comprehensive knowledge and expertise in the identification, grading, and valuation of gemstones.


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