Coral vs Pearl: Differences & Benefits

Gemstones are some of the most ravishing and formidable natural entities mankind has ever witnessed. They are of paramount astrological & financial significance & words always fall short to describe their ever-increasing impact. Coral and pearl, two of nature’s most exquisite treasures, have captivated human imagination and adorned bodies for centuries. Both gems, drawn from the ocean’s depths, carry unique histories, stunning visual appeal, and a wealth of symbolic meanings. Coral, with its vivid red, pink, and orange hues, is often celebrated for its organic, tree-like structure, evoking the vibrant life of coral reefs. It has been prized since ancient times for its beauty and believed to possess protective qualities. 

On the other hand, pearls aka moti stone, renowned for their lustrous, smooth surface and soft glow, have been symbols of purity, wisdom, and wealth across various cultures. Formed within the shells of mollusks, each pearl’s creation is a testament to the wonders of nature’s artistry. In this blog post, we delve into the fascinating worlds of coral and pearl, exploring their origins, cultural significance, and the distinctive qualities that make each gemstone a cherished choice for jewelry and ornamentation. Whether you’re a gem enthusiast, a history buff, or simply someone who appreciates beauty, this journey through the allure of coral and pearl promises to be both enlightening and enchanting.

Coral vs Pearl: Origin


Living Colony: Coral isn’t a single organism, but a colony of tiny marine animals called polyps. These polyps secrete calcium carbonate, which builds their hard skeletons. Over generations, these skeletons accumulate, forming the coral reefs and structures we see.

Slow and Steady Growth: Coral reefs grow incredibly slowly, at a rate of just a few millimeters per year.

Found Worldwide: Coral reefs thrive in warm, shallow waters with good sunlight penetration. They’re found in tropical and subtropical oceans around the world.

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Irritant Reaction: Pearls form inside mollusks, like oysters or mussels, as a defense mechanism. When an irritant, such as a grain of sand or a parasite, enters the mollusk’s shell, it secretes layers of nacre (also known as mother-of-pearl) to isolate the irritant. Over time, these layers build up, creating a pearl.

Natural vs. Cultured Pearls: Natural pearls are extremely rare and occur by chance. Cultured pearls are formed by intentionally introducing an irritant into the mollusk, resulting in a more controlled pearl-forming process.

Coral vs Pearl: Color

When comparing coral and pearl, color is one of the most striking differences that set these two gems apart. Natural red Corals, with its vibrant and bold palette, showcases an array of hues primarily dominated by shades of red, pink, orange, and sometimes white and black. The color intensity of coral can vary depending on its type and origin, with red coral being the most prized and sought-after. Its lively colors evoke the essence of coral reefs, symbolizing energy, passion, and vitality.

In contrast, pearls are renowned for their subtle elegance and understated beauty. Their color spectrum ranges from classic white to more exotic shades like black, gray, blue, green, and even golden. The most traditional and beloved pearl color is white, often associated with purity and sophistication. However, black pearls, primarily sourced from Tahiti, are equally coveted for their mysterious and unique charm. Pearls also possess an iridescent quality known as orient, which gives them a captivating, multicolored sheen as light dances across their surfaces.

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Coral vs Pearl: Physical Properties


Coral: Coral is made of calcium carbonate (CaCO3), the same material that makes up limestone and seashells.

Pearl: A pearl is also made of calcium carbonate, but in a layered structure called nacre. Nacre gives pearls their luster and iridescence.


Coral: Pavalam stone is relatively soft, with a Mohs hardness of 3.5 to 4. This means it can be scratched by a knife or other hard object.

Pearl: Pearls are also soft, with a Mohs hardness of 3 to 7. Freshwater pearls tend to be softer than saltwater pearls.


Coral: Coral has a dull to waxy luster.

Pearl: Pearls have a lustrous or iridescent sheen, often described as pearly or orient.


Coral: Coral comes in a wide range of colors, including red, pink, orange, white, black, and blue. The color is determined by the type of coral and the presence of pigments and algae.

Pearl: Pearls are most commonly white, but they can also be cream, pink, yellow, black, and even blue or green. The color of a pearl is determined by the type of mollusk that produced it, the water conditions, and the presence of pigments.


Coral: Coral is opaque, meaning light cannot pass through it.

Pearl: Pearls can be translucent or opaque, depending on the thickness of the nacre layers.

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Coral vs Pearl: Astrological Significance & Benefits


Associated with Mars

Said to boost energy, courage, and vitality

Believed to protect against negative energies

Perhaps the biggest red coral benefit is it’s Thought to aid in blood-related issues


Associated with the Moon

One of the key benefits of pearl is it’s Said to promote calmness, purity, and intuition

Believed to balance emotions and enhance femininity

Thought to aid in skin and digestive health

Both are considered valuable in Vedic astrology and are used in various remedial practices. Their effects are believed to vary based on an individual’s birth chart.

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Coral vs Pearl: Price Comparison

In general, coral can be more expensive than pearls, especially high-quality red coral. Here’s the complete breakdown:

Coral:  Red coral, the most desired type for jewelry, can range from $450 to $8,000 per carat depending on factors like color intensity, origin, and treatment.

Pearls:  Pearl prices vary significantly depending on type (freshwater vs. saltwater), luster, size, and shape. Freshwater pearls tend to be more affordable, starting around $50 per strand, while high-quality Akoya saltwater pearls can cost several thousand dollars per strand.

Here are some additional points to consider when comparing coral and pearl price:

Rarity:  High-quality red coral is rarer than most pearls, contributing to its higher price.

Sustainability:  Due to environmental concerns, some retailers avoid coral altogether. Cultured pearls are a more sustainable option.

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Coral vs Pearl: Affordability & Popularity

Coral, especially high-quality red and pink varieties, can be quite expensive due to its rarity and the challenges associated with sustainable harvesting. Overfishing and environmental concerns have led to stricter regulations on coral collection, driving up prices for premium pieces. However, more common varieties of coral can be relatively affordable, making it accessible to a broader audience. The popularity of coral jewelry has seen fluctuations over the years, often influenced by trends in fashion and cultural significance. Vintage and antique coral pieces, in particular, hold a special allure for collectors and enthusiasts.

Pearls, on the other hand, offer a wide range of price points, largely determined by their type, size, luster, and origin. Freshwater pearls are generally more affordable than their saltwater counterparts, such as Akoya, South Sea, and Tahitian pearls. The cultivation of pearls through aquaculture has made them more accessible, contributing to their enduring popularity. Pearls are often associated with timeless elegance and are a staple in both classic and contemporary jewelry designs. Their versatility and association with high-profile personalities and historical figures have cemented their status as a beloved gemstone.

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Written By pmkkgems

Muskan Sain is a well-versed gemstone expert with over 8 years of experience in the field. She has received extensive training from a renowned gemological institute, which has equipped her with comprehensive knowledge and expertise in the identification, grading, and valuation of gemstones.


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